Vancouver Flex Academy

Mar 2022

Still time to apply for specialty programs | Español | Русский | Fósun Chuuk

2024-12-17T11:21:47-08:00March 23rd, 2022|Español, Programs of Choice, Русский|

Several VPS programs are again accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year. Deadlines vary, so apply now!

Jan 2022

Middle and high schools temporarily moving to remote learning days | Español | Русский | Fóósun Chuuk

2022-01-19T10:14:19-08:00January 10th, 2022|Homepage lead story, Parent hub, Secondary schools (6-12), Student hub|

It is necessary to implement a temporary schedule in which some of our schools will switch to four days of remote learning over the next three weeks.

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