The value of the written word

In literary arts courses, students write regularly, discuss and evaluate writing, learn literary concepts and compile portfolios of their best writing.

They explore techniques of:

  • Poetry

  • Fiction

  • Creative nonfiction

  • Other genres

Exploring voice

Publication and performance, writers’ workshops and visiting authors are a regular part of literary arts curriculum.

All courses above the explore level are sequential and require the recommendation of the instructor.

  • Explore: interest

  • Style and technique: intentional writing

  • Workshop: commitment to writing as an art form

Wordsworth: VSAA’s Literary Magazine

“A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.”

W.H. Auden

Literary arts faculty and staff

Jody Adams
Kelsey Hudson
Victor Riley
Morgan Kearney

Interest. Intention. Commitment.

Use the art form of writing to express yourself.