Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!
We are looking forward to a joyful, challenging year of artistic and academic learning. This year’s theme, led by our dance teachers and their colleagues, is “A Body in Motion.” Theme activities will include all-school events, classroom activities in all content areas incorporating the theme, and much more.
VSAA is welcoming some new staff members:
Cole Peterson, a VSAA graduate, will be teaching theatre and social studies. Cole served in our building as a long-term substitute last year.
Morgan Deklyen, a VSAA graduate, will be teaching AP Literature, middle school language arts and graphic design. She is coming to us from Discovery Middle School and will also be our costume club advisor.
Zachary Tautfest is our new half-time associate principal. Zach has been associate principal at iTech for the past 7 years.
Carly Gusto will be our mental health professional. Carly will be providing individual and group mental health support for our students.
Our schedule pickup dates and times are listed below. On the pickup day, students will get their class schedule, get their id photo taken, pay appropriate fees, find their bus information, and more. New students will also check out their school laptop.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school office (360-313-4600) or myself: lori.rotherham@vansd.org (360-313-4605) or our associate principal: jennifer.hockhalter@vansd.org (360-313-4606).
We look forward to a joyful, arts-filled school year.
Lori Rotherham, Principal