Nov 2017

Do you take students at the semester?

2017-11-27T15:46:47-08:00November 27th, 2017||

VSAA makes every effort to maintain the student population of the school. If space becomes available at any grade level during the course of the school year, the waiting list will be reviewed. Invitations to VSAA will be extended on a space-available basis.

Nov 2017

Can I do sports while attending VSAA?

2017-11-27T15:45:54-08:00November 27th, 2017|, |

Students who wish to participate in sports may do so for a maximum of one sport season (fall or spring only) per school year. They will need to arrange for an early release for the athletic season and may either make up the missed coursework to gain credit in the class or receive a "no credit" [...]

Nov 2017

Is transportation provided?

2017-11-27T15:44:36-08:00November 27th, 2017|, |

Vancouver Public Schools provides bus transportation for in-district students. Each of the six district middle schools serves as a hub from which sixth- through 12th-graders are transported to VSAA. Routes will return students to their neighborhoods after the school day ends.

Nov 2017

What is advocacy?

2017-11-27T15:42:06-08:00November 27th, 2017||

At VSAA, every teacher serves as an advocate for 21-23 students, offering professional attention to each student. The advocate, in cooperation with the student and family, monitors academic progress and planning. Advocacy groups meet twice per week before or after lunch. Advocacy is considered part of the VSAA curriculum and attendance is required.

Nov 2017

How long is the waiting list?

2017-11-27T15:41:31-08:00November 27th, 2017||

There is a waiting list at each grade level based upon the number of applicants and the availability that VSAA can offer. Applicants will stay on the waiting list for one year, after which they need to submit a new application for the next school year.

Nov 2017

How many people apply?

2023-11-29T11:21:26-08:00November 27th, 2017||

We always have a large number of applicants at every grade level. In recent years, we accepted approximately 100 students of the 350 who showed interest at the sixth-grade level. In grades 7-12 there are fewer applicants, but less availability as a majority of VSAA students stay for all seven years.

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